Due to Gamescom, Google decided to host yet another Google Stadia Connect to further push their upcoming cloud gaming platform. The focus of this Connect was games, and only games. The only Google Stadia exclusive announced at the event was the third entry in the Orcs Must Die series. Orcs Must Die 3 is releasing exclusively on Stadia. It’s unclear what type of exclusivity the game faces. Cyberpunk 2077 was also a major game announced for the platform. The list of games announced continues with games such as Kine, Superhot, Darksiders Genesis, Windjammers 2, Destroy All Humans, and Farming Simulator. Other previously announced Stadia games either got mentioned again or got a whole new trailer. Borderlands 3, Destiny 2, Mortal Kombat 11, and Elder Scrolls Online were all brought up again as a reminder of some of the blockbuster games hitting the platform. Google also rementioned the Stadia Founder’s edition. There was no mention of a concrete release date or a release date for Stadia Base in this Connect.