
    New Granblue Fantasy: Versus demo with new character Percival playable at EVO 2019

    Cygames will be displaying a new demo of Granblue Fantasy: Versus And will be playable showcasing the new character Percival at EVO 2019. This event runs from August 2-4 and is taking place in Las Vegas at the Mandalay Bay Hotel.

    Cygames will also be hosting a small tournament to promote the upcoming fighting game, along with raffles and a meet and greet with their esports team Cygames beast.

    You can follow everything that will be going on for this event on twitch on their channel on August 3rd beginning at 1:00 PM PT / 4:00 PM EST

    Granblue Fantasy Versus is slated for a 2019 release for the PlayStation 4.

    About me: Hiya! The names Taylor or Recusant, either is fine. I’m just a 23-year-old dude who loves videogames. I’ve owned every Sony console since the OG PS1 But I’ve also had most Nintendo consoles barring the NES and SNES. Videogames are pretty much my biggest passion in life and you can find me streaming them over on Twitch! My favorite franchise of all time is Kingdom Hearts and my favorite genre by far is the RPG genre. I also play a variety of all kinds of games as well, anything from Mario to Overwatch. I’m also a challenge runner so I’m always doin' crazy feats. I do it all, baby.

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